One Page Deadline


So, now you’re wondering when pages are due, aren’t you? We love this moment — when advisers hear the answer and then sit absolutely astonished wondering why they’ve been living under such oppression before discovering American. 

Okay. Here’s your answer: 

We work with our advisers to create a workflow to help them be most successful and least stressful. We happily accept spread submissions whenever you want to send them. We save all the spreads you submit (to get them off your mind and to-do list) — and accept updated files at no charge — until your final submission date seven weeks before you want your books to arrive. 

Breathe, friend.

You’re reading it correctly. You determine your delivery date because you control your submission date.

We are real-world printers, and this is the real world of printing.

And, if you want just one deadline seven weeks before your ship date, go for it.

EXPERIENCED ADVISERS will counsel you to make life easier and set multiple deadlines for your kids. If that’s what you need, perfect! We’ll be right here to help you plan every step. We will show you how to manage your year regardless of how you divide and conquer the pages in your book. 

You, your kids and everyone’s mental health matters to us. You’re in control.

How revolutionary!